Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Wu Story Mode 7 - Battle of Hefei (Ultimate)

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Wu Story Mode 7 - Battle of Hefei (Ultimate)

Hefei is the branching point for Wu which I guess makes sense given how much of an epic fail this battle was for Wu. You start off immediately laying siege to the enemy main camp, but that quickly gets called off when Zhang Liao ambushes the main camp and takes out Lu Meng and all the other guards in about 5 seconds. Which is sort of impressive considering a sick Lu Meng can kill Guan Yu. Anyways, after that the stage is just getting to the escape point, which you have to fight through your own main camp to do so.

I'm playing as Sun Quan, finally, who retains the generic sword moveset from DW7. I actually rather like him with it and his XL EX is really fun to use. It's the grab one where he impales someone on his sword, tosses them in the air, and then they explode for no reason. His musous are really good as well. He's got good speed, range, and power so he's all around good.


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