Cover to Cover: Profiling Predatory Publishing

Описание к видео Cover to Cover: Profiling Predatory Publishing

Prepare to examine the dark underbelly of academic publishing as Cabells profiles different archetypes of predatory publishers. In this session, our sleuths of scholarly integrity will explore the sinister world of predatory practices, from surprise fees, to fake peer reviews, to deceptive metrics. Led by Cabells’ expert journal auditors, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the types of crooked operations we encounter, and their respective modus operandi. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or new to scholarly publishing, this session will provide valuable intel on protecting academic integrity while navigating scholarly publishing. Register now to crack the case.

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00:00: Technical introduction
01:54: Introduction to Cabells, speakers, and agenda
05:30: Predatory publishing introduction and impacts
09:38: Profiling predatory journals
12:58: Four types of predatory journal profiles
30:16: How to avoid predatory pitfalls
38:01: How librarians can help with predatory journal awareness
41:38: Audience Q&A

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