Session 103: "Polycrisis R Us"

Описание к видео Session 103: "Polycrisis R Us"

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Cascade Institute definition: polycrisis

“A global polycrisis occurs when crises in multiple global systems become causally entangled in ways that significantly degrade humanity’s prospects. These interacting crises produce harms greater than the sum of those the crises would produce in isolation, were their host systems not so deeply interconnected.”

Now there's an attention getter! "Causally entangled" how?! More to the point, what to do about it? If not altering causal relationships, how can an understanding of this phenomenon help adapt to its effects? What community level responses to this global / local challenge?


Michael Lawrence, Fellow and Polycrisis Project Research Lead at the Cascade Institute

Megan Shipman, Researcher and Scientist at the Cascade Institute

The Cascade Institute is a Canadian research centre at Royal Roads University that addresses the full range of humanity’s converging environmental, economic, political, technological, and health crises. Using advanced methods to map and model complex global systems, we analyze the interactions between systemic risks, anticipate future crises and opportunities, and develop high-leverage interventions in social systems that could rapidly shift humanity’s course towards fair and sustainable prosperity.


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