Maris Otter Vs. American 2-Row - Base Malt Comparison!

Описание к видео Maris Otter Vs. American 2-Row - Base Malt Comparison!

We compare Maris Otter to American 2-Row Malt in side by side Base Malt SMASH beers.

When you think of Maris Otter you think of bready and biscuit notes. You think of a malt that sounds like a perfect solution to SMASH beer bliss. When you think of American 2-row you think of a blank canvas something to showcase other malts and more importantly a showcase for hops. You probably think its too bland for SMASH beers.

But what do they taste like side by side with the same hops and the same yeast. We set to take it apart in this video.

Despite the fact that we could indeed tell them apart by appearance, aroma and flavor; we were surprised the differences weren't stronger. The two malts seem closer than all the literature and conventional wisdom would lead you to believe.... at least in this test.

Watch the video and tell us your experiences between these two malts.


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