20) Yoga-sutra 1-25&26

Описание к видео 20) Yoga-sutra 1-25&26

1.25 तत्र निरतिशयं सर्वज्ञबीजम्
tatra nir-atiśayaṁ sarvajña-bījam
tatra - there (in Him); nir-atiśayaṁ - culmination, unsurpassed, infinite; sarvajña - all-knowing, omniscient; bījam – seed;

In Him the seed of omniscience is unsurpassed (infinite).

1.26 पूर्वेषामपि गुरुः कालेनानवच्छेदात्
pūrveṣāmāpi guruḥ kālenānavacchedāt
pūrveṣām - first, of the ancient (teachers); api - even, also; guruḥ - teacher, guide, guru; kālena - by time; an-avacchedāt - without break, boundless:

He is also the Teacher of all ancient teachers (sages), being not limited by time.

All available translation downloadable here - All available translation downloadable here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c...


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