37) Yoga-sutra 1-44

Описание к видео 37) Yoga-sutra 1-44

1.44 एतयैव सविचारा निर्विचारा च सुक्ष्मविषया व्याख्याता
etayaiva savicārā nirvicārā ca sūkṣma-viṣayā vyākhātā

etayā - by this; eva - only; savicārā - with subtle thought; nirvicārā - without subtle thought; ca - also; sūkṣma-viṣayā - subtle sense objects; vyākhātā – explained:

In the same way that the mind becomes engrossed by meditating upon gross objects (mentioned above as savitarkā and nirvitarkā samāpatti), so also the mind’s engrossment upon subtle objects is known as savicārā and nirvicārā samapatti.

All available translation downloadable here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c...


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