One Life to Live 4/9/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 4/9/1991

Megan comes back inside because it is raining and says she’s not staying but she also won’t leave without her bed. She starts to disassemble the bed with Jake on it. Jake begs her to spend one night there with him so she can experience the charm of the place. Megan seems to be warming to the idea (ever so slightly) until she spots a mouse scurrying across the floor. Tina and Renee go to dinner at Andy’s Place and run into Sheila and Troy. Renee says she’s jealous of Sheila’s upcoming trip to Hawaii. Their gaiety is interrupted when Carlo shows up at the bar. Carlo dines with Walter, the associate who delivered Carlo’s money to Julia. He says he followed Julia to this very bar where she handed it over to DuAnn Demerest. In New York, Alex receives praise for her speech to the National Law Conference. She decides to stay in the city overnight rather than driving home after dinner. Alex insists on buying Bo dinner as thanks for helping with her speech. Bo admits he’d prefer to stay overnight and drive back in the morning, but with Asa away and Cord still recovering, he feels like he needs to head back to Llanview right after dinner. When the waiter brings the check and Alex’s room key, she pretends she didn’t ask for a room and plays it off as a mistake.

Renee tries to keep Tina from harping on Carlo’s nearby presence. Rafe brings Troy an airline ticket that arrived by messenger and tells him his new luggage arrived as well. Troy tells Sheila the ticket and luggage are for Kerry, but she doesn’t buy it.

Tony and Andy return from Philadelphia and Wanda give Tony a pep talk. Andy is surprised to see Hunter at the bar, assuming he’d be out with his friend. Hunter says they had a drink and went their separate ways. He hung around to see Andy and tells her he’s considering staying in Llanview permanently. Wanda interrupts to tell them she got a call from Lucky, who is inviting them all to some very strange surprise party. At the Stoplight, Lucky invites Kerry and Rika to the mysterious party. On his way out, he runs into Miles and invites him as well. Kerry and Miles argue about lyric changes Miles made to Kerry’s song. Miles says the old lyrics about staying off drugs were more of a sermon than a song. The argument escalates and Kerry kicks Miles out of the band. Renee and Tina head to see Max. While Renee lags behind to grab a present she brought for Al, Carlo steps out of the shadows and startles her. He tries to tell Renee how much she means to him and claims he’s given up his illegitimate business and gone completely straight. She might be falling for his spiel, but Tina returns to check on Renee before she can respond. Tina throws him out, though Carlo protests that he was merely trying to make peace between their families. On the drive home, Alex admits she did request the hotel key, but now she feels like she was stupid and conniving. She says she booked the room with a king-size bed and hoped he would spend the night with her. Lucky arrives at Jake’s (and Megan’s?) new house with a case of champagne. Tony, Andy, and Hunter arrive to liven up the place. Kerry pronounces the place “out of sight.” When Megan hears her friends’ (good-natured) teasing about the state of the place, she switches sides and defends their new house, even arguing that the hole in the roof could become a new skylight. Jake and Megan kiss and make up.


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