Mountain top OP-Z in Eryri National Park - dawless synth jam

Описание к видео Mountain top OP-Z in Eryri National Park - dawless synth jam

I recently took a trip to Eryri (Snowdonia) National Park to climb a mountain for my partners birthday. But of course I couldn't make a trip like that without throwing my Teenage Engineering OP-Z in my backpack and making a tune while I was there. The track heavily centres around some Mellotron flute samples and some shuffling jazz drums. I wanted the rhythm to roll up and down like all the hills and ridges, and for the track to build in like the climb itself. The footage documents the Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa in Welsh) ascent and unfortunately my lens got filthy during the walk, so I decided to lean into the grundy look and degrade the footage further to try and get an old film look (also a good excuse to teach myself more Davinci Resolve techniques).

#OPZ #synthjam #teenageengineering


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