I'm Tore Down Guitar Lesson (Eric Clapton)

Описание к видео I'm Tore Down Guitar Lesson (Eric Clapton)

👉Discover the 5 easiest and fastest ways to play the blues scale anywhere on the neck with this FREE PDF GUIDE→ https://www.jonmaclennan.com/bluesscales

A little while ago I learned a new word:


It’s basically, the act or habit of estimating something as worthless.

I’ve noticed a lot of intermediate guitar players often view simple blues progressions as being this.

They scoff, “ah huh huh, 3 chords?...simple shuffle?…”

Then dismiss it.

Well, don’t fall for this floccinaucinihilipilification trap.

Mastering the blues is essential to becoming a REAL player.

I’ve learned this from being around legends like Kenny Burrell and some of the greatest LA studio guitar players.

That’s why I don’t stop practicing simple blues progressions

In the quest to become a blues guitar master, there are many tunes we have to learn.

Today I’d like to share with you a fun song that is a must-know blues guitar classic.

It’s perfect for jamming with friends or with a looper pedal at home.

It was originally recorded by Freddie King, but in this post, we’ll talk about Freddie’s version and also Eric Clapton’s.

So grab your guitar and...

👉Follow along with the FULL lesson here: https://www.jonmaclennan.com/blog/i'm...


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