FUN CARDIO for Women Over 50 | 5PD #41

Описание к видео FUN CARDIO for Women Over 50 | 5PD #41

Today we’re doing a time-saving, low impact CARDIO routine that serves up WEIGHT LOSS benefits for women over 50 in a fun 23-minute package!

Find the FIVE POUNDS DOWN video series on YouTube here:
Start LOSING WEIGHT TODAY with the 5-0 Method (my FREE eBook):

My friends, this efficient CARDIO workout is chock full of calorie-burning goodness and easy-to-follow moves – perfect for meeting your weight loss goals and feeling energetic for the rest of the day! With no jumping and no transitions to the ground, we’re taking the word “exercise” and spelling it F-U-N!

The best way to lose weight after 50 and feel great while doing it is with a moderate workout like this one – let’s GO!

Timer is set for intervals of 20 seconds; do each pair of exercises twice before moving on to the next pair; there is NO REST.


Walking Stars + Wide Open Side Kicks
Deadlift Jacks (formerly known as Forward Hinge Arm Flappers) + Dancing Frogs
Chicken Wing Kicks + Big Arm Side Shuffles
Windmill Tap Backs + Twisting High Knees
Letter Ks + Punch Down Tap Outs
Speed Skaters + Middle Skips
Ding Dongs + Double Knees
Front Push Heel Digs + Daybreaks
Skiers + Booty Kicker Elbow Swings
Toy Soldiers + Goofy Jacks
Low Swinging Tappers + Alley Oops
Pop-a-Squats + Shooting Stars
Butter Churns + Reach Across Crunches
Push Push + Cheerleader Kicks

FINISHER (one interval on each side):
Single leg high knee hip opener


❤ Pahla B


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