Sakugawa no Kon old-style

Описание к видео Sakugawa no Kon old-style

Sakugawa no Kon old-style as described by Miki Nisaburo in 1930, after learning the kata from Oshiro Chojo a year or so earlier.

If you follow closely, it is the same kata and Enbusen as can be seen in Higa Kiyohiko's version (1970s) and Chinen Masami's version (1961), with the one difference being that this old version here frequently uses what is simply called "defense" (mamoru), and is otherwise known today as Gedan-barai, Mamori and the like.

Whether Oshiro added these, or whether Chinen abridged the combos is unknown.

It should also be noted that neither Oshiro nor Higa (in turn a student of Chine Masami), perform the initial step backward into preparation posture before lunging forward with the right foot and the first strike.

It therefore seems likely that this initial position is a later addition made by Kishaba Chogi, and therefore - including various other things - is a thing of the 1980s onward.


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