4 things you can do help induce your labour naturally

Описание к видео 4 things you can do help induce your labour naturally

4 things you can do to help prepare you and your body for your impending labour and birth.

✔️ Drinking raspberry leaf tea multiple times a day has been shown to help strengthen the uterus & help improve labour outcomes.
✔️ Nipple stimulation has been shown to assist in uterine contractions and getting the body prepped by releasing oxytocin.
✔️Incorporating regular exercise ball movements helps relax my pelvis and pelvic floor muscles which will hopefully assist in getting bub into a great birthing position. Daily walks are also great they help to get the bubs head low in the pelvis.
✔️Squatting has been shown to help get bub into a good position & even promote dilation.

There is so much you can do in those final weeks when you are waiting for bub to come. And thankfully most of them are very fun activities 😉

Below are some more tips and tricks you can use that are great to help prep the body.

✔️Slowing down and practicing more meditation, gentle breath work, stillness & mindfulness. This will help with production of oxytocin as well as great preparation for labour.
✔️Deep diaphragmatic breathing is one of the best breaths you can utalise. It helps relax the pelvic floor which can allow for an easier passage for bub.
✔️Sex, it can help produce oxytocin. As well semen has a high level of prostaglandins in it which can help soften and “ripen” the cervix.
✔️Eating a hot curry (pretty sure this is an old wives tale, but people swear by it) I personally could never face this one as I had horrible heartburn.
✔️Acupressure and acupuncture
✔️Exercise, stair walking, curb walking, walking in general. Deep lunges all these are amazing at opening up the pelvis.

💡Lastly, for those mummas who are in these final stages waiting for your lil one to arrive. Please know that you can do all the tips and tricks “to bring on labour” but ultimately bub will come when they are ready. Don’t be hard on yourself about being overdue. Your body and baby are incredible and they know exactly what to do.

And please know that what works for one mumma may not work for the next. So hang in there always speak with your doctor, midwifes and healthcare providers before doing any of these techniques.

Mostly, enjoy those last few moments with your beautiful bump. You will be holding your baby soon.

You can find more tips like this on my online pregnancy courses check:


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