Is Estate planning more important than Inheritance tax planning | Bluebond Tax Planning

Описание к видео Is Estate planning more important than Inheritance tax planning | Bluebond Tax Planning

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Is estate planning more important than inheritance tax planning?

This video explains exactly what Estate planning is and why it is important to the majority of people who wish to ensure that the assets they leave behind on death are distributed efficiently and effectively according to their wishes.

We explain why it is important that inheritance tax planning is done as an intrinsic part of a wider Estate Planning solution and how they fit together.

We explain the problems that a standard Will cannot solve and why those problems can affect your beneficiaries in the long term.

We identify that there are five main problems which are :
1. Divorce of any of your children
2. The bankruptcy of any of your children or their spouses
3. Remarriage of the surviving spouse after the death of any of your children 4. Grandchildren inheriting assets too young
5. 64% tax that may be taxed on your grandchildren

We go on to explain the issues around these 5 problems and the solutions that good estate planning will ensure they are avoided.

The solutions suggested will also save some inheritance tax but are mainly designed to protect your assets from the previously mentioned 5 problems.

This is an important video to watch for almost everybody who has (adult) children if they wish to ensure their assets are protected for those children.

As always experienced inheritance tax advice is essential

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