Top 10 free ways to avoid Inheritance tax

Описание к видео Top 10 free ways to avoid Inheritance tax

How to avoid UK Inheritance tax at zero cost | Bluebond Tax Planning

In this video we want to describe how to avoid UK Inheritance tax at zero cost.

There are around 10 different strategies you can utilise to reduce your inheritance tax liabilities which will cost either nothing or close to nothing.

However, you do need to understand what these strategies are, how they work, potential issues that might arise and how you can implement them easily.
The UK inheritance tax avoidance strategies covered are:
1. spending the money
2. using the small annual gifts allowance for IHT
3. using the gifts on marriage allowance for Inheritance tax
4. using the gifts out of normal income allowance for inheritance tax
5. using the annual exemption of £3000 per year each
6. making direct gifts or potentially exempt transfers
7. making gifts into a trust or chargeable lifetime transfers
8. using the new residential nil rate band
9. using the normal nil rate band
10. buying exempt assets which attract different reliefs.

This video does not seek to go into huge depth on all of these various inheritance tax planning strategies, but mainly to give you an overview of the UK inheritance tax strategies and possibilities that are open to you.

We cover some of the planning that can be done by anyone seeking to reduce their inheritance tax liabilities.

However, your best UK inheritance tax mitigation result is likely to come from utilising a range of these different strategies according to your needs.

Therefore, experienced inheritance tax advice is essential

If you have any questions on UK inheritance tax please use the comments section below or visit our website at

If you learned something from this video please just take a second to press the “like” button. This would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance - Charles.

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