Buddhist Monk reveals spiritual path in Kirkgate Market, LEEDS

Описание к видео Buddhist Monk reveals spiritual path in Kirkgate Market, LEEDS

The world needs more love and more wisdom!

While walking around Kirkgate Market in Leeds City Centre, Buddhist Monk Gen Dornying reveals how practical the spiritual path, particularly the development of love, is for anyone wanting direction, inner strength and freedom from emotional pain and problems.

If you want to know more, Kadamapa Meditation Centre (behind the Corn Exchange) offers daily free meditations as well as a full program of classes and courses for all levels of meditator. If you're wondering where to start, we recommend our popular Tuesday night class.

You don't need to wear any special clothing and there's no need to book or bring anything. You can attend any week that suits you and EVERYONE is welcome. MeditationinLeeds.org

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