Encounter in Barovia | Unofficial Curse of Strahd Soundtrack | 1h TTRPG Combat Music | Loop

Описание к видео Encounter in Barovia | Unofficial Curse of Strahd Soundtrack | 1h TTRPG Combat Music | Loop

If you want to support this channel, you can purchase and download this track and more CoS music on Bandcamp: https://fabomusic.bandcamp.com/album/...
1 hour of Curse of Strahd Battle Music
As the adventurers navigate through the dense forest, a thick mist envelops them, reducing visibility to a mere whisper of shapes and shadows. The air grows colder, and an unsettling silence falls over the group. Suddenly, from within the swirling fog, a dark creature emerges, its form obscured and menacing. With eyes glowing with malevolent intent and claws glinting in the dim light, it lunges at the adventurers, the mist parting momentarily to reveal the terror that has come to claim them.
🎵💪 #battle #combat #curseofstrahd #ttrpg #dnd #rpgmusic
Dangers abound in the land of Barovia. "Roll for Initiative" to fight off werewolves, zombies and swarms of bats with this mid-intensity combat track.
Thanks for listening. Like and subscribe for more TTRPG music and videos.
☕ If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fabomusic
🎵 This music is only available on YouTube and Bandcamp.

Artist Profile on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/arti...
Music composed and produced by FaboMusic.

Copyright: FaboMusic.
Artwork: Leonardo.ai.
All of my music for Curse of Strahd is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC

1. Is this music created with AI?
No, all tracks are composed and produced by me using virtual instruments in a DAW. You’ll notice that my tracks, especially for Strahd, often revisit and develop recurring motifs and themes - that is something AI can't do.

2. But is the artwork AI-generated?
Yes. I primarily use Leonardo.ai, occasionally adjusting details with Adobe Express to achieve the desired look.

3. Why don’t you use real artwork?
I am just a musician, not an artist. This channel is quiet small and does not generate much income. It is just not feasible to commission or license a lot of artwork right now. If this channel grows, there will be more oppurtunities to work with "real" artists (and pay them for their work). If you have art you’d like to see featured in future videos, feel free to reach out! There already is some real art in some videos. But I will also continue to use AI.

4. Can I use your music in my videos, podcasts, streams, etc.?
Absolutely! You’re welcome to use my "Curse of Strahd" and "Dragons of Stormwreck Isle" music in personal and monetized videos and (live) tabletop sessions on all streaming platforms, provided you credit my channel in the description.

For my other music available on Spotify and similar platforms, please note that it may trigger a copyright claim from my distributor, who collects royalties on my behalf. This music is fine to use for personal, non-monetized, and non-commercial purposes—just accept the claim rather than disputing it. If you have any questions about licensing, don’t hesitate to reach out.

5. Is this channel monetized?
Yes, you may see ads before and after my videos. All earnings are fully reinvested in music gear and software. I’ve also disabled midroll ads because they’re just too disruptive when playing a TTRPG, which does result in significantly less ad revenue for me. So if you’d like to help keep this channel going, feel free to support me on Bandcamp.

6. Do you even play TTRPGs?
Yes, I do! I’ve been playing D&D for over 10 years now, both as a player and a Dungeon Master. Currently, I’m running "Curse of Strahd" for a group of newbies, and I play a rude halfling bard in a homebrew campaign with another group.


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