All Endings: Poland

Описание к видео All Endings: Poland

Poland is the country the video about which you requested a lot for a long period of time and here we are! It is a successful European state with leadership ambitions in Eastern Europe and one of the fastest-growing economies. This video provides you an opportunity to see all the historical possible or possible future endings of Poland. It was made only for entertainment and without the intention to offend anyone or any political, national, or religious views. So don't take it seriously and enjoy watching!

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Timecodes and music used (I do not own music; all rights belong to the creators):
00:00 - Canon (Good) ending (Cześć polskiej ziemi, cześć; Polish Patriotic Song)
00:15 - Ultimate good ending (Same as above)
00:30 - Ultimate good ending 2.0 (Same as above)
00:45 - Ultimate good ending 3.0 (Same as above)
01:00 - Ultimate good ending 4.0 (Same as above)
01:15 - Best ending (Same as above)
01:30 - Best ending 2.0 (Gaude Mater Polonia; Polish Medieval Anthem)
01:45 - Bad ending (Boże, coś Polskę - instrumental)
02:00 - Bad ending 2.0 (Same as above)
02:15 - Bad ending 3.0 (Песня объединённых армий; anthem of the Warsaw Pact)
02:30 - Ultimate bad ending (To Serve Russia; Russian Military Song)
02:45 - Worst ending (Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten; German Folk Song)
03:00 - Intermarium ending (Divergence of good ending) (Pieśń o Wodzu Miłym)
03:15 - Interwar independent ending (Divergence of ultimate good ending) (Bij bolszewika!; Polish Anti-Soviet Song)
03:30 - Interwar independent ending 2.0 (Mazurek Dąbrowskiego; national anthem of Poland – 1927 recording)
03:45 - Interwar independent ending 3.0 (Divergence of bad ending) (Für Danzig; anthem of Danzig)
04:00 - Dmowski's ending (Szwoleżerowie; Song of Polish Soldiers)
04:15 - Paderewski-Wilson ending (Over there; American Patriotic song)
04:30 - Beck-Ribbentrop ending (Hymn Młodych)
04:45 - Jaruzelski's ending (Czerwony Sztandar)
05:00 - Tsarist ending (Боже, царя храни!; anthem of the Russian Empire (1833-1917))
05:15 - Divided ending (Divergence of ultimate bad ending) (Same as above)
05:30 - Divided ending 2.0 (Divergence of bad ending) (Nie chcemy komuny)
05:45 - Divided ending 3.0 (Same as above)
06:00 - Divided ending 4.0 (Divergence of worst ending) (Dnia 1 września)
06:15 - Mongol ending (Divergence of worst ending) (Govi Nutag)
06:30 - Slavic tribes ending (Dance of Fire; Slavic Battle Music)
06:45 - Piast ending (Pieśń Wojów; Polish War Song)
07:00 - Piast ending 2.0 (Z Dawna Polski Tyś Królową; Polish Religious song)
07:15 - Jagiellonian ending (Same as above)
07:30 - Vasa ending (Carolus Rex March; Military March of the Kingdom of Sweden)
07:45 - Ruthenian ending (Похід дружинників; Хорея козацька)
08:00 - Napoleonic ending (Chant du depart; anthem of the First French Empire - instrumental)
08:15 - Napoleonic ending 2.0 (Same as above)
08:30 - January ending (Idźmy, bijmy Moskali! - (Let's go, let's beat Muscovites!))
08:45 - January ending 2.0 (Same as above)
09:00 - Kaiserreich ending (Heil dir im Siegerkranz; anthem of the German Empire)
09:15 - Zapadoslavian ending (Hej Słowianie in Polish)
09:30 - Pan-Slavic ending (Same as above)
09:45 - Pan-Slavic ending 2.0 (Ode to Joy; anthem of the EU – instrumental version)
10:00 - Pan-European ending (Same as above)
10:15 - Polish-Ukrainian ending (Гей соколи, українсько-польсько-словацька народна пісня)
10:30 - Cursed Ukrainian ending (Ще не вмерла України; national anthem of Ukraine – earrape version)
10:45 - Secret switched ending (anthem of Indonesia – earrape version)


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