All Endings: Lithuania

Описание к видео All Endings: Lithuania

The last Baltic state to be published - Lithuania. It is the country that faced several risings and falls during its history. Its legacy still determines the geopolitical landscape of Eastern Europe. This video provides you an opportunity to see all the historical possible or possible future endings of Lithuania. It was made only for entertainment and without the intention to offend anyone or any political, national, or religious views. So don't take it seriously and enjoy watching!

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Timecodes and music used (I do not own music; all rights belong to the creators):
00:00 - Canon (Good) ending (Tautiška giesmė; anthem of Lithuania)
00:15 - Interwar independent ending (Divergence of good ending) (Same as above)
00:30 - Ultimate good ending (Augo Kieme Klevelis -Viens Du Trys Graži Lietuva)
00:45 - Ultimate good ending 2.0 (Same as above)
01:00 - Ultimate good ending 3.0 (Same as above)
01:15 - Forest Brothers' ending (Divergence of good ending) (Bolševikai tegul žino; Lithuanian Partisan Song)
01:30 - Litbel ending (Пагоня; нацыянальны гімн Беларусі)
01:45 - Litbel ending 2.0 («Інтэрнацыянал» па-беларуску)
02:00 - Baltic ending (The Baltics are Waking Up; Baltic Trilingual Revolutionary Song)
02:15 - Baltic ending 2.0 (Jurginių liaudies daina - Geras vakaras)
02:30 - Pan-European ending (Divergence of good ending) (Ode to Joy; anthem of the EU – instrumental version)
02:45 - Intermarium ending (Divergence of good ending) (Pieśń o Wodzu Miłym)
03:00 - Monarchist ending (Chorągwie Rzeczypospolitej - Potop OST)
03:15 - Urach ending (Same as above)
03:30 - Interwar independent ending (Divergence of bad ending) (Tautiška giesmė; anthem of Lithuania – slowed down )
03:45 - Bad ending (Już mi raz zabrali Wilno - Piosenki wileńskie)
04:00 - Bad ending 2.0 (Tautiška giesmė; anthem of Lithuania – slowed down)
04:15 - Bad ending 3.0 (To Serve Russia; Russian Military Song)
04:30 - Ultimate bad ending (Same as above)
04:45 - Russian ending (Worst ending) (Россия – священная наша держава; national anthem of Russia)
05:00 - Dmowski's ending (Divergence of ultimate bad ending) (Szwoleżerowie)
05:15 - Soviet ending (Divergence of ultimate bad ending) (Anthem of the USSR (1977-1991))
05:30 - Napoleonic ending (Chant du depart; anthem of the First French Empire)
05:45 - Tsarist ending (Боже, царя храни!; anthem of the Russian Empire (1833-1917))
06:00 - Swedish ending (Carolus Rex March; Military March of the Kingdom of Sweden)
06:15 - Polish-Lithuanian ending (Gaude Mater Polonia; Polish Medieval Anthem)
06:30 - Polish-Lithuanian ending 2.0 (Divergence of good ending) (Oi Šermukšnio; Lithuanian War Song)
06:45 - Polish-Lithuanian ending 3.0 (Idźmy, bijmy Moskali! - (Let's go, let's beat Muscovites!))
07:00 - Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian ending (Same as above)
07:15 - Lithuanian-Polish ending (Divergence of ultimate good ending) (TMA: Herby/Herbai)
07:30 - Grand Dukal ending (Best ending) (Sutartinės)
07:45 - Grand Dukal ending 2.0 (Divergence of ultimate good ending) (Same as above)
08:00 - Grand Dukal ending 3.0 (Same as above)
08:15 - Ruthenian ending (Похід дружинників; Хорея козацька)
08:30 - Ruthenian ending 2.0 (Same as above)
08:45 - Ruthenian ending 3.0 (Belarusochka; Belarusian Folk Song – instrumental version)
09:00 - Golden Horde ending (Divergence of bad ending) (Tatar Music; Tatar Folk Music)
09:15 - Viking ending (Eirik Jarl; Norse Song)
09:30 - Teutonic ending (Divergence of worst ending) (Christ ist erstanden; Teutonic Religious Song)
09:45 - Pagan (Romuva) ending (Baltic Pagan Fire Goddess Song)
10:00 - Axis victory ending (Divergence of worst ending) (Erika; German Soldier’s Song)
10:15 - Communist ending (Песня объединённых армий; anthem of the Warsaw Pact)
10:30 - Dausuva ending (At The Shore by Kevin MacLeod)
10:45 - Lithuanian Birma (Hidden cursed ending) (Anthem of Myanmar – earrape version)


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