Eleonore Stump - Does Evil Abolish God?

Описание к видео Eleonore Stump - Does Evil Abolish God?

The burden must be on the theist to explain monstrous evils. How could God be a personal God, who cares about every human being, indeed every creature, and yet who allows massive and continuous evil? The theist responds, “Who can know the ways of God?” such that all that need be done is to deny logical contradiction between the existences of evil and God.

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Eleonore Stump is the Robert J. Henle Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University, where she has taught since 1992. She received a B.A. in classical languages from Grinnell College (1969), where she was valedictorian and received the Archibald Prize for scholarship; she has an M.A. in Biblical Studies (New Testament) from Harvard University (1971), and an M.A. and Ph.D in Medieval Studies (Medieval Philosophy) from Cornell University (1975).

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