Touhou Ultimate Fatal Octopus Lunatic 1cc (Reimu A)

Описание к видео Touhou Ultimate Fatal Octopus Lunatic 1cc (Reimu A)

Seiwell (of Shining Shooting Star, Barrage Musical, and Touhou Fantasia fame) released a new game today.
It's a UFO-inspired single-stage script with four difficulties, commissioned by and promoting a Chinese VTuber called Syrena.
It was actually kinda hard, which is nice because usually Seiwell's games are a bit too easy, each difficulty being about half or three-quarters a difficulty easier than the corresponding maingame difficulty.
In this game, each difficulty corresponds pretty well with the maingames' difficulties.

Each shot type is pretty much equivalent damage wise I felt. So on that footing, homing Reimu comes out on top as you can dodge to the side and still be able to capture spells (for example, the midboss spell is much harder as the other three shots).

Buy the game for only a couple dollars here:

Stage: Pretty self-explanatory. Use UFO's for bullet clears where able.
Midnon 2: The bubbles in this game seem bigger than past Seiwell games. I make use of homing Reimu and just stream across the screen
Midspell: As homing Reimu you can afford to go to the side once or twice and still capture the spell, but the other shots probably have to stay in the middle.

Non 1: Watch out for the wave of small bullets that don't change into petals. The last phase of this attack reminds me of something but I can't quite remember what.
Spell 1: This is kinda spooky, but alright after some practice. I would make minimal movements.
Non 2: Just follow the lane
Spell 2: Fortunately, the homing amulets only focus on the boss and not the UFO's
Non 3: Pretty simple, but I got spooked this time
Spell 3: Somewhat random, not sure of a good place to dodge this one yet.
Non 4: You can spin this one. Start on the left of her on odd waves, and on the right on even waves. I forgot and messed up since I got into the wrong gap.
Spell 4: Just dodge
Non 5: Just dodge
Spell 5: I hate gravity spells so I hate this one too. Try to route it like I do so you can move purely horizontally for the flower waves.
Non 6: Not sure if this one is spinnable. If not, Just Dodge at the bottom.
Spell 6: Static (or mostly static)
Non 7: Just dodge
Spell 7: Just dodge. The yellow bullets move slowly and might surprise you if you let yourself ignore them.
Non 8: Focus on the small bullets not the butterflies
Spell 8: The butterfly wings are really distracting, try to focus only on the bodies which are the actual hitbox.
Spell 9 (survival): The first half is kinda nuts and the bubbles can straight up wall you. Second half is just standard misdirection around the field.
Spell 10: Raw dodging. My game was stuttering a lot on this spell for some reason, but otherwise it's pretty reasonable.


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