Hong Kong Style Walnut Napoleon Cake Recipe (合桃拿破崙) with Papa Fung

Описание к видео Hong Kong Style Walnut Napoleon Cake Recipe (合桃拿破崙) with Papa Fung

This is a staple at Hong Kong bakeries. In this particular version, it has puff pastry sandwiched between layers of buttercream and walnut meringue. These different layers help create a nice contrast in of textures, the buttery, flaky puff pastry with soft meringue and crunchy walnuts.

0:00 Intro
0:18 Part 1: Puff Pastry Dough (Water Dough)
1:26 Part 2: Puff Pastry Dough (Oil Dough)
2:08 Part 3: Filling 1: Egg White Filling (Walnut Meringue)
4:26 Part 4: Puff Pastry Dough (Assembly)
7:44 Part 5: Filling 2: Buttercream
8:21 Part 6: Assembly
9:43 Finale

This recipe makes 1 cake that serves 6. [製成一大個可供六人份]

Puff Pastry:
Water Dough [水皮]
200g Pastry Flour [低筋麵粉]
50g Water [水]
20g Butter [牛油]
1 Egg [蛋]

Oil Dough [油皮]
70g Pastry Flour [低筋麵面粉]
200g Butter [牛油]

Filling: [饀]
Filling 1: Egg White Layer (Walnut Meringue) [饀l(蛋白糖心)]
60g Egg Whites [蛋白]
60g Sugar [糖]
100g Walnut [合桃]

Filling 2: Buttercream [饀2(奶油)]
50g Butter [牛油]
20g Icing Sugar [糖粉]

Puff Pastry [酥皮]
Water Dough [水皮]
1. Sift flour onto table, create a well, add egg and water, mix, then slowly incorporate the flour. Add in butter, knead until dough-like. Add more water if dough feels dry. Wrap and set aside in fridge for 1 hour. [粉過篩開穴,放蛋和少量水在中間先抓匀,撥入麵粉搓揉,加入牛油搓揉,如覺乾可加入少量水,搓成糰包好放置雪柜一小時。]

Oil Dough [油皮]
1. Sift flour onto table, add in butter, press and knead until dough-like. Wrap and set aside in the fridge for 1 hour. [粉過篩加入牛油,搓揉成麵糰包好放在雪柜一小時。]

Assembly [組合]
1. Roll flat the oil dough, place water dough in the middle and use the oil dough to wrap the water dough. [取油皮麵糰轆薄,包入水麵糰。]
2. Roll the combined dough flat, fold it 4 times (book fold), roll it flat again, fold it 4 times again. Wrap it up, set aside in the fridge for 30 minutes. [慢慢轆平,摺四摺再轆平,再摺四摺,用保鲜膜包好放入雪柜三十分鐘。]
3. Take it out from fridge, roll it flat and fold it 4 times, roll it flat, separate it in half. [取出轆平摺四摺,再轆平,平均分為二份。]
4. Place the halves into baking pan, poke holes throughout. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes. [平放在焗盆上插孔,放預熱至350度的焗爐內焗三十分鐘。]
5. After baking, set aside to cool. [取出待凉備用。]

Filling 1: Egg White Layer (Walnut Meringue) [饀1]
1. Roast walnuts until crispy, set aside to cool. [白鑊炒香和脆合桃,取出待凉。]
2. Crush walnuts into smaller pieces, set aside. [凉後壓碎備用。]
3. Whisk egg whites until they foam, add in sugar (in 3 separate pours), continue whisking until it creates stiff peaks. Add crush walnuts and fold in. [蛋白打起,糖分三次放入,打至企身,加入碎合桃,用摺合方法混合合桃。]
4. Spread mixture onto a baking sheet until it is thin and flat, bake at 300°F for 45mins. [將混合料放焗盆内撥平放已預熱300度的焗爐内焗四十五分鐘。]
5. After baking, set aside to cool. [取出待凉。]

Filling 2: Buttercream [餡2]
1. Make sure butter is at room temperature, so it is soft. Whisk butter until fluffy, add in icing sugar, mix until combined. Set aside. [室温軟牛油打至鬆起,加入糖粉,打成奶油備用。]

Assembly of Cake [組合成餅]
1. Clean up edges of the pastry layers, cut them in half to create 4 pieces in total. [取得酥餅,修正四邊,平均分四份。]
2. Divide walnut meringue into 3 pieces, set aside. [蛋白糖心平均分三塊。]
3. Place pastry piece on the bottom, spread some of buttercream ontop, add meringue on. Repeat until all ingredients are used. At the very top, spread some buttercream over the cake, crumble some of the left over pieces of pastry layers on top then sprinkle some icing sugar on top, serve. [取酥餅搽上奶油,叠加蛋白糖心再搽上奶油,重覆叠至完成所有餅塊,面再搽奶油,餘下的餅皮揸碎灑上面加上糖粉即可完成。]

#napoleoncake #合桃拿破倫 #拿破倫

Music/Sound Credits:
Epidemic Sound: Salt Lamp - Jobii
Guitar Be-bop3 by Kaponja
Reverse Strum by Niffshack
Blip Plock Pop by Onikage22
5.5.16 by InspectorJ

Fujifilm XT3
Fujifilm XF80mm F2.8
Fujifilm XF 35mm F1.4
DJI Osmo 3
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB Tripod


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