Using Ziplock Bags To Prevent Your Books From Turning Brown

Описание к видео Using Ziplock Bags To Prevent Your Books From Turning Brown

Sunlight and moisture are the main culprits the tanning (browning) of your books. We can move our books away from the sun but how about the moisture in the air? It's everywhere! My solution is sealing them in ziplock bag. Why ziplock? Because it's easy to remove and replace your book in the bags and reduce the need of sticky tape. Also, it reduces the chance of silverfish eating up your books.

Introducing the perfect-size ziplock bags from Books n Bobs. We have 3 sizes available: S, M & L. Their prices are:
- Size S: 25pcs @ RM9.90
- Size M: 18pcs @ RM9.90
- Size L: 10pcs @ RM6.90

Order your book ziplock bags today!


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