How To Prevent Your Books From Being Eaten Up By Silverfish

Описание к видео How To Prevent Your Books From Being Eaten Up By Silverfish

How to prevent your books from eaten by silverfish.

Silverfish like dark and humid places. They eat anything that is starch based e.g. books, fabric, food crumbs etc.

Methods mentioned in the video:
1. Make sure all the dark places and corners around the house are cleaned and vacuumed regularly. That includes the kitchen and even bedrooms.

2. Essential oils - spray diluted lavender and citrus oil around the bookcase and shelves.

3. Diatomaceous earth - sprinkle diatomaceous earth around dark places and near your bookcase. Vacuum them the next day.

4. DIY traps using jars and sauce dish.

5. Store your books in ziplock bags to stop silverfish from reaching them. You can get the perfect size ziplock bags from Books n Bobs.

6. (I forgot to mention this in the video) Contact pest control company if the infestation is getting out of control.


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