My DIY Home Made Tobacco Kiln!

Описание к видео My DIY Home Made Tobacco Kiln!

Conveniently for me my old J.C. Penny freezer just took a dump and I needed to make a kiln for fermenting my home grown tobacco. I was going to build one out of plywood but I now had this junk freezer sitting around so putting 2 and 2 together, I converted it to a well insulated kiln for my home grown tobacco. I got the heating pad from and the electrical cord and water-heater temp switch from home depot. The grommets are important when running the cord through the drilled holes or you could cut the wire and shock the hell out of yourself. Just lube the wire with some liquid soap first and it will slide on through fairly easily. I love the remote humidity and temp gage since I can now monitor the interior of the kiln without opening the door and jacking up the conditions in the kiln! This is my first fermenting of my home grown tobacco so in a few weeks when it is ready I will post another video with results. Also, the temperature control switch was found at home depot and is rated for 220 volts but works well on 120 volts fyi, you adjust the temp of the kiln directly with the tiny temperature knob on the switch. If needed consult an electrician to be safe. I used to be an electrician so I understand how to do that kind of thing. The book and dvd I used and showed in my video explain this better than I. is the website for some of the stuff I used to make the kiln and where I bought my seeds and tobacco flavorings. Lightening fast shipping to. And no I make no money from seedman, just recommending.


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