We Were There, November 3, 2015

Описание к видео We Were There, November 3, 2015

World Trade Center Survivor Leokadia G. and NYPD Recovery Worker Frank V. share their personal stories of September 11th in their 9/11 Tribute Museum presentation of We Were There on stage at the National September 11th Memorial Museum.

Leokadia was working on the 82nd floor of the North Tower on 9/11. She recalls a voice inside her telling her to wear comfortable shoes that morning, her terrifying escape from the North Tower, and her 9 mile trek home, thinking it was the end of the world. She speaks of prayer, fate, and the importance of love and family.

Frank was among the thousands who searched through debris at Fresh Kills in Staten Island following the 9/11 attacks. A Detective Sergeant for the NYPD, he talks about sorting through 1.8 million pounds of debris for human remains and other identifiable objects, as well as the difficult conditions at the site, including dim lighting and methane bubbling up from the ground as they searched.


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