Sourdough Pizza Crust

Описание к видео Sourdough Pizza Crust

Good day everyone, this is a bit of a long video about making your own sourdough pizza crust from starter or if you want from instant yeast and starter. I wanted this one to be more relaxed so I included some quiet scenes and some where I was talking to you about kneading. I hope you will give this a try and let us know how it goes.

Crust Pizza – Garlic & Herb or Italian Seasonings or Spices of Choice

In a medium size bowl blend together and set aside

1 cup 240 grams Sourdough Starter Discard
¾ cup 165 grams Warm water
1 tsp sugar 4 grams Granulated sugar
1 tsp yeast 4 grams Instant yeast (Optional if using fed Starter)
2 tsp 6 grams Olive Oil

In another bowl blend together

2 ½ Cups 420-480 Flour
2 tsp 3 grams Oregano or Italian Seasonings
1 tsp 1 gram Your Choice of herbs
1 ½ tsp 3 grams Garlic Powder
½ tsp 2 grams Salt

Once blended add wet ingredients and stir until combined. When dough holds together empty onto floured surface and knead for 7-10 minutes until smooth. Place in greased bowl then turn dough over to coat, cover and set aside until doubled in bulk.

When dough has risen, turn onto lightly floured counter and divide into 2 equal pieces. Lightly coat baking pans you will be using and then press dough out into rounds on pan. Poke holes in crust with fork and bake in preheated 450 degree oven for 8 – 10 minutes (thicker crust) or 4-6 minutes for thinner crusts. Remove from oven and top with your toppings of choice including Fennel Seeds if you like them.

Return to oven and bake 10 minutes until toppings are hot and cheese is bubbly. Allow to cool for 10 minutes, then slice and enjoy.


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