Vital Farms Eggs: Bougie Marketing or Actually Better?

Описание к видео Vital Farms Eggs: Bougie Marketing or Actually Better?

Vital Farms eggs have the same Linoleic Acid (Omega 6 PUFA) content as Cage Free eggs - and that is because if a chicken is eating a corn, soy and PUFA rich feed, this will lead to higher levels of Linoleic Acid (a metabolic poison) in the eggs. So, is it really worth the extra cost? Or should you just buy directly from your local farmer?

If you are looking for Corn & Soy Free, Low PUFA eggs (lab tested at Michigan State University) delivered directly to your door, check out Angel Acres:

The price? Well, Angel Acres custom made feed is 5X the cost of Vital Farms since we do not use corn and soy or government subsidized crops. (Corn and soy are CHEAP!) We also ship directly to your door, requiring packaging and shipping (instead of just $0.10 cartons at the store).

#VitalFarms #cornandsoyfree #lowPUFA #pastureraisedeggs #pastureraised #soyfree #PUFAs #linoleicacid #cleanfood


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