No.07 ~ Benefits or Advantage of Advertising (English) | Explain the Advantages of Advertising |

Описание к видео No.07 ~ Benefits or Advantage of Advertising (English) | Explain the Advantages of Advertising |

✅ Advertising Management Book series ✅

   • Advertising management  


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00:00 Starting
00:19 Launch of a New Product
00:53 Increases Markets
01:27 Mass Sales
02:04 keeps the Competitive Spirit Alive
02:44 Creates Goodwill
03:32 Consumer Awareness

👉 Benefits of Advertising

1.) Launch of a New Product
2.) Increases Markets
3.) Mass Sales
4.) Keeps the Competitive Spirit Alive
5.) Creates Goodwill
6.) Consumer Awareness

1.) Launch of a New Product
So advertising helps the advertiser to aware its customers about its new product. Without advertising it comes difficult to spread awareness about the product.

2.) Increases Markets
Nowadays with the help of broadcast and the internet, advertising can cover a larger area. It can cover the international market and connect continents with each other.

3.) Mass Sales
It means if the management has quality products with them and they advertise more and more about their product on interval bases or according to the nature of the product, then it will help them to generate more sales for the company.

4.) Keeps the Competitive Spirit Alive
Advertising not only help the advertiser to inform its customer about the product but also help the advertiser to give tough competition to its competitor.

5.) Creates Goodwill
When we start a company it gets started with the product and over time the more and more we advertise, the more and more product got popularize and the product gets turned into a brand. Advertising helps a lot to turn the product into a brand. Advertisement helps to position the product in the mind of the customers which results in creating the Goodwill of that product.

6.) Consumer Awareness
As, there are a variety of products available in the market. Advertising educates the customers that this product will help to solve this problem and through that customers can decide which product should they choose and which product will best fit them.

What are the benefits of advertising
Advertising Advantages
Explain advantages of advertising
benefits of advertising

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