No.06 ~ Scope of Advertising (English) | Student Notes English |

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👉 Scope of Advertising

Scope means that what comes under the area of advertising or what things advertising includes in it.

1.) Message
2.) Media
3.) Organization or Advertiser
4.) Product
5.) Advertising agencies
6.) Competitor
7.) Art as well as science
8.) Activities

1.) Message
Advertising carries a message about the product. The message may be visual or oral or written or a combination of three. (Visual means the use of images, videos, and other pieces of multimedia content, oral means we can hear it like you must have heard the advertising on the radio, Written ads like you see in the newspaper or it can be a combination of three like nowadays your mobile or TV, where you can see the ads, hear the voice and read the text also) It is designed in a systematic and psychological manner to influence the prospective customer. (means, the advertising is designed in such a way that it can influence your target customer to buy the product)

2.) Media
So, there are a variety of Media available like newspapers, radio, billboards, posters, brochures, Television, etc. they all have their advantages and disadvantages. Advertisers should choose the media according to the budget they have and the type of customer they are going to target.

3.) Organization or Advertiser
An advertiser is a person or group of people who does advertisement of his product or service to sell their products or services by informing the customers.

4.) Product
Here, Coco cola and Pepsi cannot criticize each other brand, it will go against the fair competition policy, they have to show their product advantages or they can compare their product with a dummy product. Like coco cola and Pepsi adopt a different approach to attract their customers. coco cola says that its product will lead to happiness while Pepsi says this is something that their customers like to drink.

5.) Advertising agencies
An advertising agency is the one that makes advertisements for the advertiser and informs customers about his product and services. He needs to be very careful while doing the advertisement as it can make or damage the image of the brand. Like Dove shows that if you use their brand then your black skin can turn into white. It gets stuck into controversy as people say that the black colour makes no difference. Having black colour doesn't mean that you are ugly. Everyone has a different face color and we should respect it instead of making a difference.

6.) Competitor
Advertising also includes a comparison of one product with another product. But advertising cannot directly compare it with its competitor like Colgate or close up, he can take a dummy product for that.

7.) Art as well as science
Making an advertisement is an art because advertising agencies need to be very innovative while making the advertisement and creative advertising will attract the customers. It also includes science as advertisement is going to take place on various media and technologies.

8.) Activities
So, Advertising is a continuous activity if a company want to make its brand alive in the mind of the customer then they need to advertise these products continuously.

What is Scope of Advertising
Scope of Advertising in English
Explain Scope of Advertising

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