Summer. Life. Song. - Adolphus Hailstork

Описание к видео Summer. Life. Song. - Adolphus Hailstork

I. I Shall Keep Singing
II. Answer July
III. As Children Bid the Guests Goodnight
IV. Perhaps You’d Like to Buy a Flower
V. Over the Fence
VI. It’s Easy to Invent a Life
VII. If I can Stop One Heart from Breaking
VIII. His is My Letter to the World
IX. Tie the Strings to My Life

Summer. Life. Song by Adolphus Hailstork
Poetry: Emily Dickinson

I. I Shall Keep Singing

I shall keep singing!
Birds will pass me
On their way to Yellower Climes --
Each -- with a Robin's expectation --
I -- with my Redbreast --
And my Rhymes --

Late -- when I take my place in summer --
But -- I shall bring a fuller tone --
Vespers -- are sweeter than Matins -- Signor --
Morning -- only the seed of Noon --

II. Answer July

Answer July --
Where is the Bee --
Where is the Blush --
Where is the Hay?

Ah, said July --
Where is the Seed --
Where is the Bud --
Where is the May --
Answer Thee -- Me --

Nay -- said the May --
Show me the Snow --
Show me the Bells --
Show me the Jay!

Quibbled the Jay --
Where be the Maize --
Where be the Haze --
Where be the Bur?
Here -- said the Year –

III. As children bid the guest good‑night

As children bid the guest good-night,
And then reluctant turn,
My flowers raise their pretty lips,
Then put their nightgowns on.

As children caper when they wake,
Merry that it is morn,
My flowers from a hundred cribs
Will peep, and prance again.

IV. Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower

Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower,
But I could never sell --
If you would like to borrow,
Until the Daffodil

Unties her yellow Bonnet
Beneath the village door,
Until the Bees, from Clover rows
Their Hock, and Sherry, draw,

Why, I will lend until just then,
But not an hour more!

V. Over the fence

Over the fence --
Strawberries -- grow --
Over the fence --
I could climb -- if I tried, I know --
Berries are nice!

But -- if I stained my Apron --
God would certainly scold!
Oh, dear, -- I guess if He were a Boy –
He'd -- climb -- if He could!

VI. It's easy to invent a Life —

It's easy to invent a Life —
God does it — every Day —
Creation — but the Gambol
Of His Authority —

It's easy to efface it —
The thrifty Deity
Could scarce afford Eternity
To Spontaneity —

The Perished Patterns murmur —
But His Perturbless Plan
Proceed — inserting Here — a Sun —
There — leaving out a Man —

VII. If I can stop one heart from breaking

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

VIII. This is my letter to the world

This is my letter to the world,
That never wrote to me, -
The simple news that nature told,
With tender magesty.

Her message is committed
To hands I cannot see;
For love of her, sweet countrymen,
Judge tenderly of me!

IX. Tie the strings to my life, my Lord

Tie the strings to my life, my Lord,
Then I am ready to go!
Just a look at the horses -
Rapid! That will do!

Put me in on the firmest side,
So I shall never fall;
For we must ride to the Judgment,
And it 's partly down hill.

But never I mind the bridges,
And never I mind the sea;
Held fast in everlasting race
By my own choice and thee.

Good-by to the life I used to live,
And the world I used to know;
And kiss the hills for me, just once;
Now I am ready to go!

Performed Saturday, March 30, 2024, 7:00pm @ Brattleboro Music Center, Brattleboro, VT

Brianna Robinson, soprano
Sarah Bob, piano

Ray Sebold, Videographer

Learn more at


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