Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 16] Crimson Shade & Eggsterminator

Описание к видео Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 16] Crimson Shade & Eggsterminator

► Playlist with bosses:

Boss battle starts 00:46

This fight is pretty tough if you come unprepared. Crimson Shade by herself is no problem, but Eggsterminator can cause a lot of headaches.

This is one of the few fights where placing Robo in the third party slot is actually a very important detail as he can only hit Eggsterminator with Double Bomb there. Speaking of it the Eggsterminator uses a lot of status ailment techs and has that pesky "disable status immunity" and once you wither its health low enough it'll recover 1000 HP constantly, so you must have something strong enough to outdamage it.

It's possible to deal with Crimson Shade without killing Eggsterminator first, since she is weak to Shadow and Water but it's pretty annoying.

Crimson Shade is much more tame than Alabaster Shade, she starts out shooting your allies and using Shadow Fire (Fire 2) every once in a while, but once her health drops low enough she'll blast the much more powerful Explosion (Flare) which can easily party wipe a weak or unprotected team against Fire.


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