Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 17] Once-King Dalton

Описание к видео Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 17] Once-King Dalton

► Playlist with bosses:

Boss starts at 00:42

Hey, it's this asshat again.

Dalton can actually kill your team this time around if you're not careful, he has some powerful elemental attacks and will alternate between several elements and can cause trouble to a weakened team.

Once he gets his Second Wind make sure to use Barrier Spheres if you need as Dalton becomes much more dangerous and actually quite capable of destroying your entire party in a few turns using formidable spells like Flare, Luminaire and Dark Matter. He'll also MP Buster anyone as well.

However a Second Winded Dalton has the same durability of wet tissues and you should be able to end this fight in one to three good Double or Triple Techs.


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