RUN FASTER 4 Proven Acceleration Drills

Описание к видео RUN FASTER 4 Proven Acceleration Drills

Are you ready to take your sprinting and acceleration to the next level ? In this lesson, Olympic Coach Ken Harnden shares four of his favorite acceleration drills that will help you sprint faster, improve your posture, and make better ground contact.

Acceleration is all about hitting the proper angles and applying maximum force to the ground. The first drill in the series helps you feel the difference between running on the balls of your foot versus your toes. This is an important first step to proper acceleration, as the angle of your chin will dictate your ground contact.

Next up is the U drill, which is fantastic at forcing you to use proper front side mechanics and getting your hips into a good position. This drill is especially useful for football and basketball athletes who spend a lot of time with their hips in a defensive position.

Coach Harnden also breaks down skip in and rolling 2 point starts, explaining why they are crucial elements to any speed training program. By mastering these drills, you'll be well on your way to becoming a faster and more efficient sprinter. So don't wait – start incorporating these highly effective acceleration drills into your training today!



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