James Finley Interview with Carmen Acevedo Butcher

Описание к видео James Finley Interview with Carmen Acevedo Butcher

This summer I had the joy of three conversations with James Finley, PhD, a Core Teacher of the Living School founded by Father Richard Rohr. The third of these was recorded. Thanks to a special arrangement with James Finley, PhD, and The Shift Network, I’m now able to share this conversation with you in its entirety.

The best part was I felt I’d made a friend. Jim Finley lived as a monk for nearly 6 years at the Trappist monastery of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, where Thomas Merton was his spiritual director. He shares stories of that time, and why he’s grateful that Thomas Merton was his guide in contemplative living. He also discusses Merton's insights about the true self, and the underlying unity of the mystical traditions. He discusses his own mystical awakenings, as written lyrically in his teaching memoir to be published in 2023 by Orbis. I’ve read, and reread it, and promise you it’s a joy, a healing gift to all. I eagerly await its release.

Listen in to hear Jim’s stories and learn more about:
• How to discern fleeting glimpses of mystical awakening that occur in all areas of our daily lives
• Ways to recognize and cultivate the stance that offers the least resistance to being overtaken by mystical oneness with God
• How to translate mystical awakenings and desires into the compassionate ways we treat ourselves, others, and Mother Earth

Now retired as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Finley works primarily with adult survivors of trauma who want their spirituality to be a resource in their healing. He hosts a weekly podcast Turning to the Mystics, which he calls, as he told me with a chuckle, “my monastery in cyberspace.”

This interview is part of the Mystics Summit, a free online event. For more information, please visit https://mysticssummit.com/ This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. “Finding Our Way Along the Healing Path: The Lineage of Thomas Merton” was broadcast on August 16, 2022.

For nearly thirty years James Finley, PhD, led weekend contemplative retreats in the United States and Canada. He’s author of Merton's Palace of Nowhere... The Contemplative Heart... Christian Meditation and several audio-video sets including Following the Mystics through the Narrow gate... Jesus and Buddha... Merton's Path to the Palace of Nowhere... Indestructable Joy... and The Teachings of Meister Eckhart.

Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD
Translator, author, teacher, contemplative
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