I was living a double life as a Jehovah’s Witness. Meet Josh

Описание к видео I was living a double life as a Jehovah’s Witness. Meet Josh

Josh grew up as a JW in what is referred to as a "spiritual family." They would host Watchtower studies with young teens around the area. His father coerced his sister and him to get baptized in their teens, saying that the devil would split their family apart if they didn't. After high school, he worked at a local elder's painting company for two years.

After that job, he found himself working at a very diverse and accepting place where he felt comfortable being himself. He came out to these co-workers and had his first boyfriend. He went on for the next five years as dating men and still attending the meetings. He finally came out to his sister, then his dad and mother. His mother said, "you're just confused right now; you're just feeling alone and not finding the girl you are connecting with; you need to go out in service more." His father said, "You can't go to the meetings anymore, " which was music to Josh's ears.


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