The Psychology Of A Dumper During No Contact

Описание к видео The Psychology Of A Dumper During No Contact — Take our free 2 minute quiz to figure out what kind of chance you have of winning your ex back.

Side Note: This is assuming you complete the no contact rule in full. (About 80% of individuals fail to complete the no contact rule on their first try.)

The Purpose Of No Contact;
Make Your Ex Miss You
Achieve Secure Attachment

Stage One: Relief/Happiness

Stage Two: Annoyance

Stage Three: Anger

Stage Four: Dyadic Phase

Stage Five: Grief

Younger people experience grief very potently because they’re inexperienced in relationships. It was probably their first big serious relationship and breakup so even if they initiated the breakup, they will still feel a lot of grief. When it comes to older people (65+), the grief is just as bad as really young people but for a different reason. For them, it may be their last chance of a long-term commitment. Realizing that they’re not going to live forever and they’ve just gone through another breakup hits them extremely hard.

Stage Six: Acceptance


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