Life has a price.

Описание к видео Life has a price.

Everything in life has a price tag. Every single thing. The ecosystem of the human experience is not just a trade of money, but mostly, time, energy, patience, and so much more.

Why am I sharing this? Because it’s important to learn the rules fo engagement in this game of life. Many of us go about our world not understanding the rules and frankly - are an NPC (non-player character). When it’s OUR life and we are really the MAIN character.

We must understand the rules to actually play the game and better yet - enjoy it.

I wish I knew this at a young age as that would have affected all my decision making, but I’m here now. I hope to share these rules with you so that we can understand pricing in life so we don’t get cheated or taken advantage of, or screw ourselves over.


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