Self-Realization: You are the Observer, not the Thinker

Описание к видео Self-Realization: You are the Observer, not the Thinker

Self-Realization: You are the Observer, not the Thinker

We are not our thoughts or the content of our mind, but rather the awareness or Consciousness that observes them, and by recognizing this, we can move from illusion to reality and find a natural state of happiness and peace within ourselves.

1. 00:00 🧠 Discover your true self by distinguishing between your mind and Consciousness, realizing that you are the observer, not the thinker, leading to a more peaceful state of awareness.

2. 01:10 🧠 Focus on the present moment and observe your thoughts without attachment to realize that you are the awareness, not the thinker.

3. 02:33 🧘‍♂️ Focus on body sensations to be present, engage in mindful activities, and notice the space between thoughts to connect with your true self as pure awareness.

4. 04:22 🧠 Your true self is the awareness that exists in each moment, not the content of your mind, and it is not defined by any thought or mental image.

5. 05:43 🧠 Practicing self-inquiry helps distinguish between the mind and the self, leading to greater peace, clarity, and inner freedom.
5.1 Your awareness is like a canvas, while your thoughts and experiences are like paintings on the canvas, and practicing self-inquiry can help distinguish between the mind and the self.
5.2 You are the observer of thoughts and sensations, not the thinker, and by practicing self-inquiry and focusing on the unchanging sense of being, you can experience greater peace, clarity, and inner freedom.

6. 07:48 🌞 Happiness is our natural state, obscured by our thoughts and emotions, but can be discovered by embracing and accepting our experiences.

7. 08:54 🧘‍♂️ Pure awareness is the essence and door to inner peace, independent of sensory experiences, thoughts, or memories, bringing us back to ourselves and showing us where to find ourselves.

8. 10:13 🧠 Our awareness remains unchanged regardless of thoughts, leading to peace; conflicts stem from ego, but understanding our shared consciousness can create love and lasting happiness.
8.1 Our awareness of being remains unchanged regardless of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, leading to a sense of peace and comfort in the quiet moments of life.
8.2 Conflicts stem from egoic existence, but by living from the understanding that we all share the same fundamental essence of consciousness, we can create a culture of love, compassion, and understanding, leading to lasting happiness and inner peace.

🧠 We are the Consciousness that observes the thoughts, images, and stories in our mind, not the mind itself.
🧠 Focusing on the present allows us to recognize that we are not our thoughts, but rather the awareness that observes them.
🧠 Focusing on the sensations of the body helps you connect with your true self as the awareness that notices these sensations emerging into your awareness.
🧠 The real self is not the content of your mind but the awareness that is always present, distinguishing between the mind and Consciousness.
🎥 Just as you are not defined by the content of a film, you are not defined by the content of your thoughts, allowing you to move from illusion to reality.
🌅 Happiness is not a fleeting feeling but a natural state of sufficiency well-being and peace that resides within each of us.
🚪 Discovering the simple feeling of being brings us back to ourselves and shows us where to find ourselves, not what to look for somewhere out there.
🌍 Conflicts in the world stem from a deep-rooted sense of egoic existence, imagine how different our world would be if we truly lived from the understanding that we all share the same fundamental essence of our existence which is the awareness of our Consciousness.


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