Описание к видео MOSES' 2ND BIRTHDAY! 🥳

Such a fun day! First we went to church then we walked to Party City! (in the rain!) It rains quite a bit in NYC but there isn't parking anywhere so we have to walk or take the subway. We had a couple of balloon casualties but most of them made it home safely! Marc made some chicken kebabs while I went to Old Navy to get some birthday clothes and wrap them. Anna was my style consultant :) Old Navy has some really cute clothes! Moses was so happy to get a Buzz Lightyear because he loves playing with Elijah's Buzz Lightyear but the head broke off! 😭 Anyway this Buzz is lots of fun (with an intact head 😅) Naomi made the loveliest cake and even I had a piece! (I usually try to resist sugar but this one was irresistible!) #largefamilylife


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