Lee Holden Interview - Qi Gong & Yoga - Wisdom 101

Описание к видео Lee Holden Interview - Qi Gong & Yoga - Wisdom 101

In September 2018, I traveled to Santa Cruz to take part in a Qi Gong Teacher Training with Qi Gong Master Lee Holden.

I thought that it would be especially helpful for other yoga teachers to know how compatible Qi Gong training can be with yoga and to learn how to apply some Qi Gong into your yoga practice or classes.

For those who are new to it, Qi means "Energy" and Gong means "cultivation." It is an ancient Chinese practice that helps to create and circulate vital energy. It is similar in some ways to Tai Chi, although there is a significantly shorter learning curve to pick it up and feel the benefits with it, so I find it perfect for beginners.

In the interview Lee shares:

- What is Qi Gong?
- How can it be applied to yoga, meditation, and other systems?
- What are the main benefits?
- What is Qi Gong flow?
- How he became the producer for the "SuperHuman" film coming out soon.
- How to become "Superhuman".
- How to use technology to share ancient wisdom.
- Is a 5,000-year-old practice still relevant today?
- What is Qi Gong "alchemy"?
- How does Qi Gong mimic nature?
- What does it mean to "push the river"?
- How yoga teachers can offer more to their students.
- What is the best way to practice with Lee directly?

Lee Holden is an experienced instructor in Qi Gong, meditation, and Dao Yin and has worked to bring the ancient Taoist teachings to western culture. His work has popularized qi gong through books, classes, workshops, video courses, online programs, and PBS programs.

Holden has been acknowledged by the International Chi Gong Association (2009) for his ability to make the esoteric Taoist teachings accessible to modern students without compromising or diluting their essence. He conducts training and certification programs in traditional and medical qi gong and continues to study with qi gong masters in Thailand, Indonesia, Moscow, Japan, and China.

A licensed acupuncturist, Lee Holden practices in Santa Cruz and Los Gatos, California. In addition to his international teaching and private practice, he works as a stress management consultant to corporations, including Apple and 3Com.

Holden Qi Gong

Nate Guadagni is the founder of Bo Yoga®, a rapidly growing wellness system focusing on making mindful movement accessible to more people.

Website: http://www.boyoga.com

Wisdom 101: Practical, Inspirational Interviews

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Wisdom 101: Episode #12

Theme Music:
Courage by Ingmarlo and DJ Taz


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