Fury Over Spain

Описание к видео Fury Over Spain

A documentary film produced by the international branch of CNT-FAI in Barcelona in 1936. today in Public Domain. I strongly believed the film was put together by Emma Goldman in the role of executive producer when acting as a liaison between the CNT and the Anarchist Movement in the United States the UK. Fury Over Spain was released in the United States in 1937, first in New York, and reviewed by The New York Times, later in fundraising events around the country, also in Canada and Australia. The New York Times exalted the role of Peter Weinschenk as one of the camera operators, and photographers. Pablo Weinschenk would later change his name to Pablo Tabernero in Argentina where he lived between 1937 and 1967. The film "Searching 4-Tabernero" by Eduardo Montes-Bradley, approaches the life of Pablo Weinschenk in detail. The use of Wagner's "Der Fliegende Holländer" in Fury Over Spain is an interesting element.


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