三种口味的珍妮曲奇、一次做完|How to Make 3-in-1 Melt in Your Mouth Jenny Cookies

Описание к видео 三种口味的珍妮曲奇、一次做完|How to Make 3-in-1 Melt in Your Mouth Jenny Cookies

How to Make 3-in-1 Melt in Your Mouth Jenny Cookies
(9 种材料 Ingredients)
基础面团 Cookie dough:
无盐黄油 + 有盐黄油(1:1)Unsalted + salted butter (half & half) 250g
糖粉 Powdered sugar 62g
蛋糕粉 + 面包粉 (1:1)Cake flour + bread flour (half & half) 237g
玉米淀粉 Corn starch 37g
马铃薯淀粉 Potato starch 37g

抹茶口味 Matcha flavor:抹茶粉 matcha powder 3.3g + 糖粉 powdered sugar 5g
巧克力口味 Chocolate flavor:可可粉 cocoa powder 5g + 糖粉 powdered sugar 3g
原味 Original:马铃薯淀粉 potato starch 4g

先做基础面团 Form your dough
打发黄油,黄油一半是无盐黄油、一半是有盐黄油 Beat butter until fluffy (half salted, half unsalted)
加入糖粉混合均匀 Add powdered sugar & mix well

筛入玉米淀粉、马铃薯淀粉 Sift corn starch and potato starch into mix
筛入面粉,面粉一半是蛋糕粉、一半是面包粉 Sift flour (half cake flour, half dough flour)
稍微翻拌后用打蛋器打匀 Mix & beat with egg beater

将面团平均分成三份(整个面团约606g,每份约为202g,因为制作过程中损耗的不同,请务必称量、平均分割) Divide cookie dough into three sections (you should have around 606 g in total, each section would be 202 g - make sure you weigh & divide your dough evenly according to weight)

三个面团加入三种不同风味的材料 Add different flavor mix into corresponding dough
打匀 Mix well

我用的裱花嘴,花嘴的直径大约0.9cm My cake decorating tip is 0.9 cm in diameter

将面团放入裱花袋,挤出珍妮曲奇的形状(挤3-4层即可,挤太高容易塌,而且不容易烤熟)Place dough into cake sleeve, shape into Jenny Cookies (one of the most well known cookie shops in Hong Kong) - 3-4 layers is enough, more and it’ll collapse & won’t cook through

烤箱 145 度烘烤 27 分钟 Bake at 145 C (293 F) for 27 mins
(如果你用的是大号的裱花嘴,请烘烤35-40分钟 If you’re using a large cake decorating tip, please bake for 35-40 mins)

(根据曲奇大小增减烘烤时间,在原味曲奇变成微微焦黄的时候就熟啦 Adjust your baking time according to cookie size, you’re done when the original flavor cookies are starting to brown!)

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