在家還原!北海道雙層起司蛋糕(LeTao) 抹茶 +文旦柚 。Matcha Pomelo Double Cheesecake。〔ASMR〕┃Chez Verina

Описание к видео 在家還原!北海道雙層起司蛋糕(LeTao) 抹茶 +文旦柚 。Matcha Pomelo Double Cheesecake。〔ASMR〕┃Chez Verina

#Doublecheese #北海道 #雙層起司 #ダブルチーズケーキ #LeTao #小樽 #recipe #ASMR #食譜 #cheesecake #中秋限定 #甜點 #抹茶蛋糕

Double cheesecake is popular in Asia for many years. This recipe is from the official video of LeTao. I used the seasonal Wendan Pomelo in Autumn for ingredients. It rich tea-scented matcha, with slightly sour and sweet. 😊


*配方中使用的抹茶粉The matcha powder which is be used in this video

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Ø16cm 慕斯蛋糕圈 1個

↓ Ingredients ↓
▎抹茶蛋糕 – Matcha Cake -
蛋黃 Egg Yolk 50g
蛋白 Egg White 50g
細砂糖 Sugar 45g
低筋麵粉 Low Protein Flour 25g
抹茶粉 Matcha Powder 8g
全脂牛奶 Whole Milk 15g
蜂蜜 Honey 3g

▎烤抹茶起司 – Matcha Cheese -
奶油乳酪 Cream Cheese 100g
馬斯卡邦乳酪 Mascarpone 68g
細砂糖 Sugar 40g
全蛋 Egg 55g
蛋黃 Yolk 16g
鮮奶油 Cream 36g
抹茶粉 Matcha Powder 5g

▎糖煮柚子– Compote Wendan Pomelo -
文旦柚果肉 Pomelo 220g
細砂糖 Sugar 130g
檸檬汁 Lemon Juice 10g

▎吉利丁塊– Gelatin Mass -
吉利丁粉 Gelatin Powder 4g
冰水 Water 20g

▎柚子生起司– Pomelo Rare Cheese -
細砂糖 Sugar 35g
蛋黃 Egg Yolk 33g
糖煮柚子 Compote Pomelo 70g
吉利丁塊 Gelatin Mass 22g
馬斯卡邦起司Mascarpone 72g
鮮奶油 Cream 168g

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