Taijiquan, Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang, Chenstyle taijiquan, taiji from Chenjiagou, Tai chi fajin live

Описание к видео Taijiquan, Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang, Chenstyle taijiquan, taiji from Chenjiagou, Tai chi fajin live

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang was born in 1945 and is the 19th generation of the Chen family and its current standard-bearer. He is a grandson of Chen Fake and has learned his family's martial art from his father Chen Zhaoxu and his uncles Chen Zhaopi and Chen Zhaokui.

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang has won three consecutive gold medals in the National Wushu competitions in China in 1980, 1981 and 1982 and in 1985 he represented China and won first prize for taiji at the first International Martial Arts Friendship Competition in Xian. He has received many titles of recognition for his great skills in Taijiquan and has recently been awarded the highest possible 9th Duan Wei by the Chinese Wushu Association.

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang is the head principal of the Chen family Chenjiagou Taiji school which is run by his younger brother Grandmaster Chen Xiaoxing and his nephew Master Chen Ziqiang.

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang established the World Chen Xiaowang Taijiquan Association and runs it to this day. The Association has branches in over 30 countries and is perhaps the single largest organization of Taijiquan practitioners in the world with thousands of people practicing Chen family Taijiquan in the officially recognized branches on a daily basis.


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