Why Eating Small, Frequent Meals Could Be Making You FATTER

Описание к видео Why Eating Small, Frequent Meals Could Be Making You FATTER

This 12 Minute Metabolic Secret “Reactivates” Declining Fat Loss Hormones & BOOSTS Your Metabolism for up to 48 Hours: http://gl12.net/ytsmallmealsreport

The Small Meal Myth ...

Hey, everybody. Shaun Hadsall here with Get Lean in 12. And inside this short fat loss video, I'm going to bust a myth about eating small frequent meals.

So if you have been programmed to believe that you need to eat every few hours, five to six small meals per day, because it increases your metabolic rate, it helps you control your appetite, and lose more weight, all three of these things are a myth. In fact, a brand new PubMed study that was published in 2015 confirmed that small, frequent meals do not increase your metabolism.

So eating small frequent meals can and does work. But as I got older, and now that I'm in my 40s and my metabolism started changing and my hormones started changing, I realized that small frequent meals can actually be making you fatter. And this is why.

If you try to eat every two to three hours, even if you're making healthy choices, you're keeping insulin elevated, because you're not giving yourself enough time between meals to let blood sugars stabilize, which keeps your body in a fat burning environment.

So by eating every couple hours, you keep insulin levels chronically elevated. When insulin is elevated, your body can't use belly fat as a fuel source.

The best method is one that you can stick to. So if you decide to eat five or six small meals per day, and it's working for you, great. I just want you to understand that it's not necessary. At the end of the day, all that really matters is did you burn off more calories than you took in. So in other words, did you keep your body in a fat burning calorie deficit?

And the other thing, at the end of the day, is did you make healthy food choices and stay adequately hydrated?

Now, you just have to make sure that you're moving the right way, based on your age category.


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