如梦令·昨夜风疏雨骤 李清照 Ru Meng Ling -Last night, sparse rain and strong wind, by Li Qing Zhao

Описание к видео 如梦令·昨夜风疏雨骤 李清照 Ru Meng Ling -Last night, sparse rain and strong wind, by Li Qing Zhao


在第一部分(Verse 1),李清照描述了昨夜风雨交加,尽管浓睡却无法消散残留的酒意。她问卷帘人,得到的回答是“海棠依旧”,但是她心中明白,绿肥红瘦,这正是她内心的写照——表面上的美好依旧,实际上却已暗淡无光。

接下来的词(Verse 2至Verse 4)继续扩展了这个情感主题。使用大量的自然景象和意象,如清晨的露水、飞鸿的梦境、春风吹过的庭院,以及秋水长天一色等,表达离别相思和人生无常。每一个景象都不仅是环境的描绘,更是情感的外化和映射。

在第二部分(Verse 2),清晨的冷露让花儿凋零,主人公的思念之情在早晨的凉意中更加难以释怀。她梦中几次看见飞鸿,却只能独自倚靠楼台细细探望,心中的相思和离愁如月满之夜难以排解。

第三部分(Verse 3),春风吹过庭院,落英缤纷,她遥望天边明月,孤独的身影渐行渐远,似乎在说,别离不仅是空间的距离,还是心的远离,最后化作缕缕心愁。

第四部分(Verse 4),秋水和长天一色,叶落知霜至,青山隐隐,往事如絮飞。感叹岁月匆匆如流水,提醒自己和读者莫忘时光的流逝和过往的美好回忆。



Li Qingzhao was a renowned female poet of the Song Dynasty in China, known for her delicate and graceful style. “Like a Dream – Last Night’s Sparse Winds and Sudden Rain” is one of her famous short poems that showcases her keen sensitivity and profound emotions. This poem describes a woman’s emotional experience in the morning after a night of sparse rain and strong wind, facing unchanged flowers but feeling deep sorrow and separation in her heart.

In the first part (Verse 1), Li Qingzhao describes the intersection of wind and rain from the previous night, where even a deep sleep could not dispel the lingering effects of alcohol. She asked the one who rolled up the curtain, and the response was that "the crabapple flowers remain." However, she understands in her heart that while the surface beauty remains, the reality is overshadowed and dim.

The subsequent verses (Verse 2 to Verse 4) continue to expand on this emotional theme. A plethora of natural imagery and symbols are used, such as morning dew, flying birds in dreams, spring wind through the courtyard, and autumn waters stretching into the sky, to express the sorrow of separation and the impermanence of life. Each scene not only describes the environment but also externalizes and reflects the emotions.

In the second part (Verse 2), the morning’s cold dew causes the flowers to wither, making the protagonist’s feelings of longing even harder to resolve in the morning chill. She sees flying birds several times in her dreams but can only lean alone on the terrace to look closely, unable to dispel the longing and sorrow in her heart, much like the fullness of the moon at night.

In the third part (Verse 3), the spring wind passes through the courtyard, scattering petals everywhere. She gazes at the bright moon in the sky, her lonely figure gradually moving farther away, seemingly saying that separation is not only a matter of physical distance but also an emotional detachment, finally turning into strands of heartache.

In the fourth part (Verse 4), autumn waters and the sky are a single color, leaves falling signify the silent arrival of frost, and the green hills are faintly visible. Past memories float like dandelion fluff. She laments that time flows quickly like water, reminding herself and the readers not to forget the fleeting nature of time and the beautiful memories of the past.

In the final closing (Outro), it depicts winter snow dancing lightly, with her thoughts drifting far away with the frozen sky. Looking back at the long-lasting autumn waters of Chang'an, everything has become a part of her dreams. She expresses all her longing and sentiments, revealing a state of mind without regret after separation.

Through its delicate descriptions and deep emotions, this poem beautifully blends natural imagery with the sorrow of human relationships, fully showcasing Li Qingzhao’s unique artistic charm and profound understanding of life.


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