Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

Описание к видео Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

There is no question that individuals with learning disabilities (LD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Asperger's Syndrome, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, and Autism Spectrum Disorders face serious challenges in the areas of learning, attention, and behavior. But many also exemplify characteristics that could be seen as pockets of strength. View this "Ask the Expert" video to learn about these individuals and their unique and often unrecognized and undervalued traits. For more information about each of these disorders and about LD in general, visit

NCLD has developed the LD Checklist: Recognize & Respond tool to help spot the potential signs of LD.Take the first step here: #Check4LD

The National Center for Learning Disabilities' (NCLD) mission is to ensure success for all individuals with learning disabilities in school, at work and in life.


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