【英國聖誕市集 Christmas markets】2022英國聖誕市集長怎樣? VLOG | 古小兔 | 2022 Nottingham Winter Wonderland | Shireena

Описание к видео 【英國聖誕市集 Christmas markets】2022英國聖誕市集長怎樣? VLOG | 古小兔 | 2022 Nottingham Winter Wonderland | Shireena

一起來逛英國諾丁漢的聖誕市集吧!疫情過後的市集比前幾年辦的都還要盛大呢!超大的溜冰場除了1樓的大片溜冰場以外,還有2樓可以繞廣場一大圈~想學英語但不知道要用哪個英語平台嗎? 看看我的體驗心得 https://shorturl.at/jlvA1

Merry Christmas everyone, let's go to Nottingham Christmas markets with me~ This year is better than before I can tell, maybe because it's after the pandemic. There has a nice ice skating place, you can see wonderful views if you go to the second floor.


👩🏽‍🎓About me
我是古小兔,畢業於英國諾丁漢特倫特大學,主修數位行銷的商管碩士(Digital marketing MBA)。拍攝與製作這些影片是因為我想要記錄英國生活與想練習剪輯Premier Pro CS6,還有給大家認識不同文化、景點等,所以開始了我的YouTube 頻道。

Hi, i am Shireena from Taiwan, and I studied digital marketing MBA at Nottingham Trent University. I made some vlogs to record my life in the UK, and learn how to edit videos, hope you would like them. The main reason for making these videos is because i want to record my life and share some attractions or buildings as well.


📱social media
古小兔自媒體 -Personal social media
📌Instagram : ID:Shirena45 🔗  / shireena45  
📌Facebook : 古小兔 🔗  / shireenagu  
📌Blog : 古小兔分享| 學習 | 旅行 🔗https://shireena.pixnet.net/blog

英國相關自媒體-Life in the UK social media
📌Instagram : 古小兔在英國的日記 🔗  / uklife_rabb.  .
📌Facebook : 古小兔在英國的日記 🔗  / ukliferabbit.  .


📹 edit
Premier pro CS6

💌 contact
[email protected]


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