料理 五

Описание к видео 料理 五



Like any fruit, a ripe melon makes a perfect dessert on its own.
But this "Cream melon" goes far beyond the melon itself.
Hollows out the melon at their own pace, dipping each piece into the ocean of cream in their own bowl.
This is truly summer ecstasy.
If you can get a delicious melon, please give it a try.

cook : 細川亜衣 hosokawa ai
cinematography / edit : 穴見 春樹 haruki anami
music : haruka nakamura
album 〈青い森 〉灯台label


taishoji HP : https://www.taishoji.com
music link : https://www.harukanakamura.com/news/2...

オンラインショップ “エプロンとレシピ” : https://grembiuli-ricette.com
apron : “るり色エプロン” / MAKI TEXTILE STUDIO

Cream Melon

Melon      As much as you want
Fresh cream
“Ume” syrup

Choose melon that is ripe to eat and keep it chilled.
Spread the yogurt thinly in a cooking tray and freeze until hard.
Whip the fresh cream in the chilled bawl.
Once it has thickened slightly, add a little “Ume” syrup for a subtle sweetness.
Whip gently until it thickens.
Cut the melon in half and place in a bowl, removing only the seeds.
Crush the frozen yogurt roughly with an ice pick or fork.
Put the cream first in a chilled bowl, then the yogurt ice.
At the table, pour the “Ume” syrup over the melon.
Scoop the melon into each person's bowl and eat.


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