Blender for Biochemists | Intro to Blender

Описание к видео Blender for Biochemists | Intro to Blender

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Hello and welcome to my first tutorial for Blender! There are lots of great tutorials out there and I highly recommend watching more (the Donut series by blender guru is an excellent place to start,    • Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial - Part 1  ).

But hopefully this series helps bridge the gap for scientists looking to illustrate more scientific content like proteins, membranes and biological scenes, not just donuts.

I also have wild plans to teach how to create protein AR hats ( in the future, but we need to start small and with the basics.

Hopefully you enjoy this tutorial and it is paced correctly, but please leave me feedback either in the comments on on twitter with things you would like to see, or anything that wasn't clear that you would like me to cover!


twitter:   / bradyajohnston  


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